- When high concentration gas is sensed the sensor gets saturate for few seconds but returns back to normal.
- Range for these sensors can measure any amount of gas i.e. even in percentage since during leakage generally it is on higher side.
- NO Cross Sensitivity to any other gases.
- Life span for these sensor is generally 8-10 years subject to minimum rechargeable electrolyte.
- This type of sensors can be reactivated by adding electrolyte even if it stays dry for couple of months.
- This type of sensors can be connected in long distance without any drop of output as it is in current.
- Calibration for Electrochemical sensors can be done on field by adding Electrolyte to them during Calibration procedure.
- Cost for these sensors are economical.
- Whereas Dry cell sensor when gets exposed to high concentration of gas it saturates.
- If the sensor is rated for a particular PPM i.e. 20 PPM and the leakage is in percentage the sensor may get damage or saturates.
- There is high cross sensitivity for these type of sensor.
- Life span for these sensors is less than 2 years.
- This type of sensors are sealed permanently which cannot be activated from outside. They need to be replaced by new ones.
- This type of sensors cannot be connected for long distances as output drops as distance increases.
- Calibration for Dry type sensors cannot be done on field by adding Electrolyte to them during Calibration procedure.
- Cost for this type of sensor is expensive.
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